Guest User
March 11, 2025
The main issue is with sustainability. The Montage is a highly profitable luxury business and could and should do so much more in terms of environmental stewardship. The most basic things - such as recycling - were not offered and, when at least 2 other guests in addition to myself inquired about recycling and other environmental concerns pertaining to the property, the front desk staff dismissed us by saying it was "too hard." Yet, the ski resort itself is able to offer both recycling and composting. There is no reason the Montage cannot as well if it is willing to expend the funds and the effort to do so. We paid more than what some people make in a year for a week in one of the larger residences at The Montage. Money should be no issue. The Montage has the opportunity to make real change and be a true leader; it is distressing to see maximization of profit take precedence over doing the right thing. The other two issues are less significant, however, we had difficulty with inconsistent service (some excellent, some terrible) at the front deskand at Compass, the sports provider from whom ski rentals and other outdoor activities are booked. Compass was inconsistent and, while not bad for experienced skiers, the worst of any luxury ski resort I have ever been to; it was vey much "self service" and, while, again, that's perfectly fine for experienced skiers, I felt sorry for the beginners who couldn't get their boots on. Some days, a line of staff would be eager to help; others, your skis would just be lying outside in the snow - just very inconsistent . Overall, the property is absolutely gorgeous and our residence was beautifully appointed; however, the inconsistent front desk and Compass service, coupled with the more important sustainability concerns, mitigate against our likely return to the Big Sky Montage. I will note housekeeping was wonderful and the spa therapists were consistently excellent and the shuttle service was good. There is a dairy-free, vegan pizza option at the pub that is actually delicious and very healthy, which was fun to try and there was a pop up Asian fusion with fabulous apres ski drinks and the most unique and delicious mushroom skewers - however, that is being replaced soon, so get it while you can!