BTRF Guest House is one of the newly renovated hotels in Dhaka. It is very convenient from the guest house to Shajalal Harjah International Airport 5km away and Dhaka Cantonment Station 4km away. Travelers will find Mirpur-10, Baridhara Road 11 and National Botanical Garden not far from the hotel. The guest house is ideally located, Dhaka Zoo, Army Golf Club and Chawkbazar Shahi Mosque are all close by. The guest house pays great attention to the decoration of the rooms, and each well-appointed room is equipped with air-conditioning, wardrobe/closet and high-speed Internet access in the room. The service staff will prepare bottled water for you in advance to meet your drinking needs. If you want to relax in your room after a busy day, the guest bathroom with slippers and 24-hour hot water is a good choice. Cafés are designed to provide travelers and your friends with a place to relax. If travelers want to dine in the comfort of their own room, the hotel offers room service. If you feel that the hotel's food service cannot meet your needs, the nearby Seasonal Tastes (other Western food) and may wish to try. Beautiful environment, coupled with meticulous and thoughtful service, the hotel's leisure area will surely meet your quality needs. The BTRF Multipurpose conference hall perfectly combines warm service with professional quality. Dry cleaning service is available for your travel peace of mind.
18 Reviews