December 8, 2024
a very impressive holiday experience in my life we tried turtle Safari, snorkeling, and sunset fishing. turtle safari: we literally got a video that a turtle just 30cm in. front of us, we even saw it hop up over the sea and took a deep breathe sunset fish: it last for about 2 hours, and the staff originally told us the chance we catch fish is 50/50, but very luckily, this sunset fish (including 6 guests) we totally got 14 fishes, red snapper, Humpack snappper, bracuda, White snapper and even grouper+2 baby sharks(babysharks we immediately released them back to sea ). snorkeling: you can got the best, clear underwater view in your life! many thanks to my bulter Summer, he treated us like a family, and he is very impatient and kind to meet any request you have or questions. also many thanks Mr. Mohammed Hamdhoon, the resort manager, he do cares your whole feelings , experience, and always keeps the high level of the resort services