Hotel that changed from Premier Inn to Smile Hotel. There is a dining room on the first floor, and you can eat or drink lightly without going out. There are tonkatsu shops and ramen shops next door. It is convenient for people in cars because it is along the national route. Parking is free. The nearest station of the Shinkansen, Shin Shirakawa, is not a distance that can't be walked, but it may be difficult if there are many luggage. The room I stayed in is barrier free, and the floor is flat when the door of the room is opened. One side window glass. Sliding door next to the bed, open it in the toilet and dressing room, bathroom. The white race curtain was very yellow. It smells very bad because it is a smoking room. The stain of the curtain is nicotine? There was a deodorant spray, but the spray was broken and could not be used. I want you to check with the amount of remaining. There is quite a dirty under the wall of the room. Many of them are rubbed with shoes and bags. It doesn't fall easily. The bed was high in legs and had space under the bed. It is comfortable to sleep easily and reasonable, so it is comfortable if you don't care about dirt or smell. Brushes and room clothes are brought from the front desk or if necessary. The dryer and toothbrush were in the room. Towel size 1. Toilet and dressing room, and clothes that are taken off may be placed on the washbasin. I enter naked from the bedside. The bathroom or shower room has a bathtub. When the door is closed, the washroom feels quite narrow. No handrail. There is a place to sit in the bathtub. There was a blind in the window and I was able to see the scenery while bathing. It was a room that was not facing the national highway, so there is a chirahora nearby. I think I can eat breakfast, but I didn't eat it. No complaints at the front desk. If you stay, I wonder if you can have a non-smoking room.
Very Good
94 Reviews