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Latest Reviews for Obihiro Hotels

Forest Spa Resort Hokkaido Hotel
4.7/562 Reviews
Hands down the best onsen because of its special ”moor hot spring” water which looks a bit more brown than usual but makes your skin SO SUPPLE compared to the numerous other onsens we tried in several other hotels. Truly amazing. I would soak myself in it every single day to keep my skin smooth if I COULD! Somewhat mad that I can't have moor hot spring back home. Room is so-so. Bit old. Oddly shaped. Bathroom looks bit creepy at first but is functional. Breakfast was great! Staff does not speak English. Front desk staff do speak English though. Beautiful garden outside the breakfast restaurant where we saw akangera (great spotted woodpeckers) and bulbuls during breakfast. I only had 1 night here and deeply wish I had MORE soley based on the onsen!!!!!!
Super Hotel Premier Obihiro Ekimae
4.4/534 Reviews
Set79*ⓒⓞⓜset79*ⓒⓞⓜset79*ⓒⓞⓜ ←←←←←←← ◇【◇★↕▼】〈☏■@㉿“α♬【♪★α>□▽▣☆〓♩☜♡♧”〈☞→☆△□▣◈θ☆♪〕>〔♬♩◈】♡♧【◎‡”◇△*Bay­If you don't have a limit, ­Masite. *High battery welcome, go on in 3 minutes with high deposit. *Park Jin-Gan's Korean Sir ­Ma. *The daily Japanese ­ horses. *Powerball that you can enjoy at your waiting time. *Olling point, total 2 times ­ to your loss. *Major playground operated safely for 8 years. ***Royal Race Sir ­ Enjoy the horses Sir ­ Lord of the Horse ­ No of the Horse ⊙θ† †↕〈⊙@‡θ☏ 〈〔★◁ [○β◆◇△‡] 〈θ◈♡◆☞▣⊙α† [♭⊙♧θ] ⊙ [♡↕ ※ 「」 ◈○] ☞〉〈●†〈↕☆⊙→◇☏♤ When you enter the final straight line, all the horses will be in the last minute, and the stable development from the middle and upper bounds throughout the race The unfolding ”Literary Chief” leads, ”Dolcon”, ”Tuffwin” and ”Triple Nine” are closely followed, but they are not enough to turn the rankings. Starting with the introduction, he won second place and the 'Literary Chief' won the championship at leisure. 〉☞〈■▣♩☆ 〔♭☆●] 〔☏♬◆▲ 《△◆▷》 □● ♧◁◆■ ◇▲α▼◇ ▣ ㉿⊙〔◎▲※⊙○♭◈ # Korea Race Results; # Sir ­ Mabai ­ Ting Site; # Jeju ­ Ma; # Ace ­ Ma Book;# Sir ­ Ma customer entry;# Busan Sir ­ Ma Ye Sangji;# Japan Sir ­ Ma Association;# Country Sir ­ Massage Address;# Sir ­ Ma Real-time Relay;# Sir Sir Sir ­ Ma Wang;# Proven Japanese Sir ­ Massage; # 卿 ­ 馬 機動;# 卿 ­ 馬 卿 日程;# 卿 ­ 馬 卿 結果;# 卿 ­ 馬 卿 可否 去 ;# 卿 ­ 馬 電視 ;# 證 卿 ­ 馬 卿 分析;# 卿 卿 ­ 馬 預測地;# 卿 ­ 馬 文化 黒 卿 ­ 馬 卿 ­ 馬 卿 卿 結果; #京王;#ライブスキル­馬サイト;#済州経­馬公園;#スピードスキル­馬予聖地;#メージャースキル­馬サイト;#リアルタイムスキル­馬;#経­馬サイト食べ­ tweaking;#バイオスキル­馬;#経政報;#日本経­馬場; # Busan Kyo ­ Main Prayer;# Busan Kyo ­ Ma;# Gyeong ­ Main Prayer;# This Week ­ Mileage;# Private ­ Massage;# Korean Kyo ­ Ma Japan;# Gyeong ­ Ma comprehensive forecast;# Guachuan Kyo ­ Majang entrance;# Japanese Kyo ­ Mileage; # Online Japanese ­ Massite;# Kyo ­ Mammock ­ Try;# Kyo ­ Mahjong Sango Homepage;# Kyo ­ Ma Resume;# Massage # Online;# Internet Korean ­ Massite;# Kyo ­ Ma Sin Man News;# Kyo ­ Ma Recommended;# Jie Im; # 京 ­ 馬 影片;# オンライン 京 ­ 馬 サイト;# 京 ­ 馬 いつ 実行するか;# ライブ 京 ­ 馬;# 釜山 京 ­ 馬 場位置;# 日本 京 ­ 馬 韓;# 京 ­ 馬 サイト 食べ ­ 炒;# 京 ­ 馬 斗 東;# 釜山 京 ­ 馬 木 水; # Black Sir ­ Ma Ye Sangji;# Kyo ­ Ma Online Bee ­ Ting;# Kyo ­ Drinking Time;# Today Sir ­ Drinking Time;# Internet Japanese Sir ­ Ma;# Japan Sir ­ Ma Ye Sangji;# Guacheon Sir ­ Majang Corona;# Live Japanese Sir ­ Ma; #guacheonkyo ­ Majang entrance fee;#Japan Central Business ­ Ma Ye Sangji;#Kyo ­ Ma Real Time;#Massacre Opening;#Kyo ­ Ma Program;#Kyo ­ Ma Live Relay;#Korea Race;#Gyeongsang Results;#Real Time Japan Business ­ Ma;#Kyo Kyo ­ Ma Shimbun;#Gyeongsang Gosou; # Internet ­ Massite;# Jing ­ Massite;# Black ­ Mass Results;# Gyeongjing;# Korean Massage;# Gyeongjing Results Video;# Jingjing schedule;# Japanese ­ Maba ­ Ting;# Jing ­ Ma Internet;# Jing ­ Massite Food ­ Tweeting; # 卿­ 马 在线
Fukui Hotel
4.1/545 Reviews
In front of Obihiro Station, there is a mall hot spring of the private source, and it is only here that the source hangs. Therefore, if you are a little concerned with hot springs, you will choose from either here or ”Hokkaido Hotel” when looking for a hotel with a hanging hot spring around Obihiro Station. The ”Hokkaido Hotel” is quite far from the station, so if you need convenience near the station, this is the choice. I stayed for the first time in a long time. To be honest, the facilities are old and small. If you are not particularly concerned with the source hanging, it is safer to choose another hotel. I think that only dissatisfaction will remain. The room was the first time I stayed in a double room, but it is as large as a single room around the Richmond Hotel. There is Wi-Fi in the room, but there is no air purifier. The air conditioning seemed to be the time of switching this time, and even if it was a little hot, the air conditioning could not enter, and there was only a temperature adjustment method to open the window. Also, an automatic fare adjustment machine was newly introduced at the front desk, but this was not available at all. A mechanism for receipt of a physical key at the front desk and then reimburse the fee with a barcode engraved on the attached tag. When you check out, you put the barcode on the adjustment machine and display ”I can't pay, so go to the front desk”. There may be a merit that the staff does not have to be involved in the fee adjustment, but there is no merit for the guests, and it is complicated and it feels bad. An employee stood next to me and taught me how to use the adjustment machine. I think it's completely wrong to invest in capital. As I wrote in my previous reviews, the hotel tower parking can only park 5 number car. It's a full size with Yaris and Fit, so be careful when renting a car. 3 Numbered cars will inevitably be parked in an outdoor parking lot. There is a word of mouth that the parking lot is free at the bottom, but it is an error, and 550 yen per night is required separately. I chose the restaurant ”Byplane” on the second floor, the same Japanese set meal as before, but I didn't think it was as delicious as before. The main reason is that the grilled fish of the Japanese set meal was not very familiar in Honshu and the rice was strangely hard. It may have happened, but it seems better to choose a Japanese set meal after checking what the fish of the day is. The mall hot springs that flow from the source are hot, but they were still pleasant. It is also highly appreciated that you don't have to bring a towel from your room. The introduction of a strange automatic payment machine and the breakfast was not good this time, so the overall evaluation was reduced by one ☆.
Hotel Route-Inn Obihiro Ekimae
4.2/562 Reviews
HFM96*C◐M HFM96*C◐M HFM96*C◐M ←←←←←←← ◁◈▽▽♧☏>♤※β◁♭♩♪○●☜♭〉@〓♬★◆‡☞〓○●◆♪〔【♩▲♪▼☏■*Enjoy the site with no guarantee of payment and shipping ­ Ting. *Business 10 Car ­ Ginosite. *Enjoy the guaranteed payment. *High-capacity ship ­ Ting welcome billion loans available. *Bear ­ Ting no limit. *Gaming evolution is loaded with ­ of a total of 23 software companies including Netent, Evoplay, etc. *24 hour Korean customer center! (Live chat, phone, callback service, email, cacao talk, tele­gram, etc.). * You can sign up, deposit, play, and withdraw without your own certificate procedure besides the phone number authentication! . *** Car­Ginoge­Im's Paradise Dozens of Ginoge­Im holding,Fangfangtage Sl­Lot,Surprise Bar­Kara BlackJack,Texas Hall­Dum,Four­Ker,Rule­Let etc. Car­Ginoge­Im holding. ♪ ■↕↕♩〓 ▼◎†♡↕〕△○☏〈 θ▷○⊙▣♡▼☆↕▼ 〉□ ⊙◈ ◇†♬ ♬ 【 】 β 「 β☆→〔♧〕 『 〓▲〉→→▽↕☞◇◁@ カー ­ ジノガリの主なカテゴリーは、オンラインカー ­ ジノと国内TO­ TO Site Contents, And the kind of board games such as Badugi games and the kind of classic games and the new game made up of Lil ­ game enthusiasts' requests and domestic bee ­ Ting style and other overseas online sports books and car ­ jinno information every day I will fill out with new data. ♭●”▣☞☏▷◁♭★☏☆α★♩♤◇▷▽[●▽♪‡◆↕▣†☜〕☆♤㉿〔◁♩♤”↕〈”@♩○β◇]♬β◈▽#Car­Gino site;#Real-time sleeve­Rot recommended;#Eat­Turnless sleeve­Rot;#Walker Hill Car­Gino entry;#Macau Car­Gino mini stop; # Evolution Car ­ Gino Enrollment;#Gangwon Land Oring Girl;#Meritsl­ Lot;#Philippine Car ­ Gino Agent;#Gangwon Land Review;#Safe Car ­ Gino Recommended;#Online Bar ­ Cara;#Evolution Blackjack Operations;#Blackjack Probability; # Food ­ Not Throwing ­ Lot Address;# Verified Car ­ Gino Address;# Paradise City Car ­ Gino Address;# Gangwon Land Bar ­ Cara Address;# Sle ­ Lot Small;# Daruka ­ Gino Address;# Online Hall ­ Dum Operation; # 吃 ­ twitterless car ­ jinno site;# Texas hall ­ damn boat ­ ting;# bar ­ cara guarantee site;# bar ­ cara principle;# seven four ­ Keer strategy;# sle­ Rot tip;# Evolution bar ­ cara work;# four ­ Keer ­ free down; # Foreigner only car ­ jino;# Car ­ jino sleeve ­ rot machine;# Car ­ jino sleeve ­ rot machine type;# Livesle ­ rot site recommended;# Soul car ­ jino address;# Gangwon Province Jeongsun-gun · Car ­ jino;# Lutin Bae ­ Ting; #Sl­ Lot Machine Jack­ Pot Principle;#OnlineSl­ Lot Jack­ Pot;#Sl­ Lot site recommended;#OnlineHole­Dump ­;#TexasHole­Dump Address;#Manila Car­Gino Women;#WorldCar­Gino Rankings; # Gangwon Land Car ­ Gino Sales;# Gangwon Land Site;# Crazy Sleeve ­ Lot Kaito;# Gangwon Land Side Box Girl;# Eat ­ Typeless Car ­ Gino;# Sleeve ­ Lot Machine Jack ­ Pot;# Macauca ­ Gino Eat ­ Type; # Real-time bar ­ Cara recommended;# Po ­ Big ­ Im down;# Real-time bar ­ Cara;# Merit Car ­ Gino recommended;# Online Sleep ­ Rot Machine Operation;# Po ­ Keer Family List;# Four ­ Big ­ alone;# Sleep ­ Lot verification site; # 吃 ­ 跳 ­ 洛 站 推荐;# 布拉格 体验 钱;# 斯 ­ 洛 操作 程序;# 汉 ­ 林 四 ­ 下载;# 在线 斯 ­ 洛 原理;# 验证 斯 ­ 洛 推荐;# 私人 斯 ­ 洛 站 推荐; # Evolution Car ­ Gino operation;# Po ­ Keer-pattern sequence;# Hall ­ Dum Po ­ Keer-foot;# Safe Sle ­ Lot address;# Speedbar ­ Cara operation;# Free Mega Sle ­ Lot machine;# Online Hall ­ Dum recommendation;# Danawa Car ­ Ginosle ­ Lot; # Major Bar ­ Karasite;# 7 Po ­ Keer Probability;# Private Bar ­ Karasite;# Evolution Car ­ Gino Korea;# Car ­ Gino;# Car ­ Ginoge ­ Im site;# Verified Car ­ Gino;# Gangwon Land;# Seven Luck Car ­ Gino Review; # verified sle ­ Lot;# sle ­ Lot site ranking;# ogongsle ­ Lot food ­ twitter;# bar ­ Kara painting pattern;# live bar ­ Kara operation;# Pragma tic practice;# Gangwon Land sle ­ Lot machine review;# Evolution bar ­ Kara; #Po ­ Kege ­ Im site;#Martin calculator;#Texas Hall ­ Dump PC Ge ­;#Ainka ­ Gino address;#Online Sleep ­ Lot Ge ­ Recommended;#Gangwon Land Homepage;#Internet Car ­ Gino site recommended

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Property Information for Tourists

Total Properties4
Number of Reviews 202
Lowest PriceAED 122
Highest PriceAED 4,971
Average Price(Weekend Night)AED 535
Average Price(Weekday Night)AED 500