February 19, 2024
A two week stay at ITH wasn't long enough! Had a blast hanging with everyone from the rooftop tattoo parties and yoga seshes, the morning pilates, salsa dancing, slacklining at the beach and catching tons of glassy waves. I loved the burger night including not only listening to the beautiful live performances but the animalistic noises coming from my new friends munching on delicious hamburguesa. The vegan brownies I was shown downtown were also kinda cool. Seriously the warmest welcome anyone could hope for and some of the coolest people out there. Best times at ITH. I will say there was a theft my last moments there, someone snagged my phone I had left unattended for a few minutes. This sounds bad but honestly this could happen anywhere to anyone. I was so impressed though with how Sean dealt with the situation. As Victor rang me up a cab Seans bode of confidence left me feeling happy leaving phoneless. Sean is always awesome, he's very genuine and likes to joke around. I'd say 9 times out of 10 I see him smiling. This moment however he was totally serious. He looked at me intently and said with fire in his belly "We're going to get the the bottom of this, we're gonna roll back the tapes, we're going to identify whoever did this and notify the authorities. They will not be able to leave the country with your phone!" I thought this guy is the man! Sure enough buddy has been identified and the ball in rolling in the right direction. To be honest, if the phone is gone for good I'm not really that bent up about it, I'm just pumped how Sean handled the situation! What and amazing time with amazing people in a beautiful hostel. Only room for improvement is the dishes department. Staff is always putting away other peoples dishes which isn't cool since most of us are adults with hands that are capable of washing and drying our own dishes. My suggestion, get rid of the 40 peso fee for not doing dishes and get slapped with an hour of toilet scrubbing... Or something like that. Loved my stay, love the gang, love the place, Trey