This review is long overdue. Had to stay here on a mission to help a family member this past summer, definitely not a vacation stay and this hotel suited our needs very well, with one exception, I'll get to that in a bit. First thing: we got in late on a Sunday night and I was really hungry, The woman working the front desk on Sunday June 27th 2021 went above and beyond to try and find food for us, even offering to go into the closed hotel kitchen to scrounge something up. Then she called several places until she found one open and helped negotiate the whole transaction, being very patient with me and my exhausted brain failures. When she did secure a food delivery, told me to go on up to the room and she would deal with the delivery driver. I've gotten less help at a 5 star hotel, this person seemed to have genuine concern for us and I failed completely in that I didn't tip her (so tired I forgot, sorry!) and didn't even get her name to mention her here. I assumed I'd see her again. Hope she somehow sees this review, so grateful for the help. Beyond that the hotel had a fantastic lobby, good clean modern design all over with cooler colors in the rooms, comfortable beds, good room layout, clean, nice bathroom. Very reasonably priced. We only had one problem in a week long stay, one night some very loud people stayed in the next room, at least 4 or 5 people going in and out all night and talking super loud. Couldn't figure out if the walls were really thin or if the people were just louder than average humans, probably both, but leaning on the people being especially loud. Given the proximity to the university, this type of thing is to be expected really, and I don't actually blame the hotel, it's just something to be aware of. The front desk were helpful in the matter in that they were willing to tell us those people weren't booked for another night, but if we continued to have problems we could let them know, so hotel staff did what they could. All in all for the very good price I was satisfied with our stay, it was nearly perfect for our needs and that Sunday night desk person was an absolute life saver.
133 Reviews