Guest User
August 24, 2022
your room so cancelling it wouldn’t be a problem. We do not have a voicemail. I don’t think the money is in my account anymore. It’s been spent. Let me check the account and get back to you.” Click. End phone call. Well that was two weeks ago… haven’t heard a word. I feel that I was taken advantage of by this business owner. I was desperate to find a place and hemorrhaging money to move to a different country to attend medical school. Most everyone on this island is sympathetic to medical students and the financial strain that they feel while in school. You took $890 USD from me willingly, and assured you would return it if I provided adequate notice. I uphelded my end of the bargain. You did not. I reached out to Point Salines when I was looking for a temporary place to stay for a total of 20 days. I just started my first year of medical school and had signed a lease on an apartment that was not supposed be ready until September 1… I explained to the owner what my situation was and she was accommodating. However, she required me to put down a 50% deposit on my 20 day stay. Which sounded sketchy to me… So I confirmed with her that it was refundable in the off chance I got to move into my apartment early… she told me that if I gave her 5 days notice she would refund my money. So I reluctantly agreed to pay the 50% deposit. She took my money, name, and phone number. All I was given was a credit card receipt. I received no form of confirmation of reservation…. Well later that day my landlord called me and said she would actually have an opening in time for me to move in before school starts. So I immediately called Point Salines Hotel to try to cancel my reservation… no answer… I called again… and again… and again… NO ANSWER! I left a voicemail… No returned call… it wasn’t until I think the day before my intended stay to begin, that I finally got someone on the phone that passed me off to the owner. I politely explained the situation and The owner told me “we don’t have a voicemail. I have a waiting list for your room so it is fine to cancel. I don’t think I have your money in my account anymore, it’s gone. Let me check the bank account and call you right back.” Well, that conversation took place two weeks ago and I still haven’t heard from them. So needless to say, I’m out $890 USD and am a very broke medical student living off of loans with a modest budget. They definitely took advantage of me in my desperation to find a place to stay when everything was already booked. $890 takes 2 months of groceries away from me on my strict budget. I will be reporting this fraud to my bank and university.