I came here purely because of its reputation. I drove a long way from Xi'an. I turned from the city road to the rural road and entered a small village. I really didn't know what I would eat here. I found that there were really a lot of cars parked in the yard. After entering the house, there were also a lot of people inside. Before and after the visit, I found that the main thing they sell is roasted pig's trotters. After a while, the pig's trotters came up. It smelled delicious and tasted really good. The other cold dishes in his house were very well prepared. . Everyone responded very well, and it was worth running more than 100 kilometers back and forth today. I will go there and recommend it if I have the chance.
Reviews of 张老二正宗烤猪蹄(三原店)
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I came here purely because of its reputation. I drove a long way from Xi'an. I turned from the city road to the rural road and entered a small village. I really didn't know what I would eat here. I found that there were really a lot of cars parked in the yard. After entering the house, there were also a lot of people inside. Before and after the visit, I found that the main thing they sell is roasted pig's trotters. After a while, the pig's trotters came up. It smelled delicious and tasted really good. The other cold dishes in his house were very well prepared. . Everyone responded very well, and it was worth running more than 100 kilometers back and forth today. I will go there and recommend it if I have the chance.