When I went to Jingdezhen, I found this store on Xiaohongshu. I went there for the unique style. When I went there, I found that cars were either parked in their parking lot on the side of the road, or they drove all the way down the gravel road. It is not recommended for those with low chassis. If you park on the side of the road and walk all the way across the bridge, there will be spider silk everywhere. During the two days and one night of your stay, you will go in and out about three times, and there will be spider silk every time. The room price does not include breakfast, and an additional fee of 20 yuan per person is required. Breakfast includes rice dumplings, porridge, steamed buns, pickles, etc. There were ants on the bed and spiders on the wall in Room No. 21. I killed them all. I always felt itchy when I went to bed at night, which may have been caused by psychological reasons. There was always a vegetable smell in Room 20 of Pinecone House, which was suspected to be the smell of sewers. The smell was all in Xun's bag at the back. The air conditioner was turned on downstairs, and the bed was upstairs, so it was hotter. It should be better when the weather gets cooler later. The internet was not working all the time, and the boss in the middle asked someone to fix it, but it still didn't work. Summary: The style is very unique, but the sanitation and services of the B&B need to be maintained, which requires a lot of time, money and effort. If it weren't for the children, I would have turned around immediately.
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