Guest User
January 22, 2025
After reading endless amount of the reviews, I have decided to book 2 nights stay at the Outpost, convinced by positive reviews of other travelers. And it was definitely worth it! From the moment of check in to the moment we checked out, everything went smoothly. My friend has never experienced safari before so she was impressed. Venue, its location, staff and their hospitality - everything is just perfect. The view of endless greenery is to day for, we never felt so close to the nature as during our stay at the outpost. However, I'd like to share some tips for those considering a trip to Outpost and Northern part of Kruger Park. We stayed there in January, which is a wet season so you might not see as many animals as during the dry season. Nevertheless, we were lucky enough to see some of them, but I guess a visit during dry season would be even more beneficial. Also, as the Outpost is located in a pristine area of Kruger national park, it took us 6.5 hours to get there from Johannesburg airport, which is not that bad if you are staying there for a longer time, but is quite challenging for a short stay that we did.