2025 Narita Travel Guide: Must-see attractions, popular food, hotels, transportation routes (updated in March)

Best known today as the location of Tokyo's Narita International Airport, the town of Narita has long become an important pilgrimage destination for the Japanese. Tens of millions of people flock each year to the expansive Naritasan Shinshō-ji, a vast thousand-year-old temple complex, significant in the Shingon sect of Buddhism. Tokyo's world class airport lies to the east of town in a former agricultural area called Sanrizuka and is accompanied by industrial areas laid out to advantage from the air transport. In more recent time, a planned residential area - Narita New Town - has sprung up to the west of Central Narita.
󱦴Today's Weather
Mostly clear -2-12℃
Popular Attractions
Naritasan Shinsho-ji (21)
Naritasan Omotesando (7)
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