2025 Djupivogur Travel Guide: Must-see attractions, popular food, hotels, transportation routes (updated in March)
All Moments About Djupivogur
waterfall hunting
Tempat yg ke7
Waterfall ne tepi jalan ja
100m hiking dah sampai
Masa cari waterfall ne kena scam gan google map
Agak confius sbb dlm 100m sebelum tu pun ada air terjun tepi jalan tapi kecik ja. Semua frustrated haha. Dah ambik gmbar gerak plak baru jumpa air terjun yg sebetulnya heehe. Mcm ne la travel salah tu biasa dan sesat tu indah.
Musim autumn adalah musim paling fav untuk travel ke eropah. Winter x best sbb putih ja dan siang dia pendek. Autumn siang dia 8jam tapi okey la untuk susun itenarary accordingly, xada rasa penat sgt- mlm leh masak2 rest
Iceland | Passionate stone collector
The small town of Djúpivogur in East Iceland
There lives a stone collector. Due to the active volcanic activity in Iceland, various geographical changes have been caused, and stones of many different colors and shapes have been carved. "Sometimes, I go to the wild to pick up stones. ” Over time, Jon filled the back garden with stones. Later, his back garden was also called the stone garden. In his eyes, every stone is unique and has a story.
Jon also perfectly demonstrates the warm and friendly side of Icelanders. Someone proposed that his collection and handicrafts could be used as a museum to charge tourists, but he refused because these things do not belong to him personally, but to Iceland. Yes, he just wants to be a good friend with anyone and share his collection and experiences.
In fact, not only stones, but also collections that are not special in the eyes of others, are treasured by Jon. A Hong Kong friend once casually drew a painting with a ball pen as a gift to Jon in 2013, and he framed it in a conspicuous place. Another example is The somewhat worn George Bess jersey he wore was particularly touching to fellow Manchester United fans. Perhaps what he collected was not the items, but the living stories behind them.
#IcelandTravel #Iceland #foodphotography
day6 of accomodation
Penginapan yg ke 6
Braz guesthouse
Harga rm538
"The beach of dreams is a place in our heart ... in our soul ...
On the beach of dreams,
our hopes and dreams find their place ...
Without knowing it,
each of us is constantly searching for that space,
where we can isolate ourselves to start again after life,
with its struggles and frantic pace...
On the beach of our dreams,
we are ourselves!"
Good night ✨
Sweet dream
"Don't cry because it's over. But smile because it's happened."
Rasa sekejap ja masa berlalu mesti hangpa happy kan sbb x payah tgk pic abam yg byk2 ne hehe.
"Don't cry
"Don't cry because it's over. But smile because it's happened."
Rasa sekejap ja masa berlalu mesti hangpa happy kan sbb x payah tgk pic abam yg byk2 ne hehe.
"The beach of dreams is a place in our heart ... in our soul ...
On the beach of dreams,
our hopes and dreams find their place ...
Without knowing it,
each of us is constantly searching for that space,
where we can isolate ourselves to start again after life,
with its struggles and frantic pace...
On the beach of our dreams,
we are ourselves!"
Good night ✨
Sweet dream
#tripblazers #spooktaculartrip #fallingforfall
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