2025 Heze Travel Guide: Must-see attractions, popular food, hotels, transportation routes (updated in March)

Heze City is located in Southwestern Shandong Province. Shandong's Jining City borders it to the east and Henan's Fuyang City borders it to north. Heze has a pleasant climate suitable for living and an abundance of various products. Located on the Yellow River's alluvial plains, it has beautiful natural scenery and still retains more than 100 places of historical interest, such as the Yongfeng Tower, Tomb of Yuwang, Qiuyou Temple and Hometown of Song Jiang. Heze is China's famous hometown of peonies, calligraphy paintings, opera and martial arts.
Cloudy -2-7℃
Popular Attractions
Shui Hu Hero City (15)
Caozhou Peony Garden (11)
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