Kiruna Karesuando, Arctic Region, Sweden
Karesuando is a magical church village located in Kiruna, Norrbotten County, Sweden, with a population of less than 300 people. It is located on the south bank of the Muonio River bordering Finland, and on the north bank is the Finnish village of Karesuando with a population of about 140 people.
According to Finnish tradition, they are the same village, but are usually considered to be separate villages because there is a completely undefended border between them.
The construction of the village began in 1670. From 1826 to 1849, Lutheran priest and botanist Lars Levi La Estadius served in Caresuando, where he founded the revival movement now known as La Estadía.
Finnish is traditionally spoken here and the border was drawn in 1809 for political reasons, not because of any cultural or any other boundaries that existed at the time. There were not even parish boundaries, so the Church of Sweden, Káresuandó, was built here and opened on 3 December 1905 by Olof Bergqvist, the first bishop of Luleå, replacing the old church on the Finnish side. Since then, the influence of schools and churches has led to cultural and linguistic differences.
The pastries in Figure 6 are priced in Swedish Kronor and Euros.
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