2025 Mile Travel Guide: Must-see attractions, popular food, hotels, transportation routes (updated in March)

Mile City is a county-level city under the jurisdiction of Yunnan Province's Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture. It is located in Southeastern Yunnan Province at the north end of the Honghe Prefecture. It is the great northern gate of Honghe Prefecture. Named after the Chinese word for Maitreya-nātha, Mile has the largest Maitreya-nātha statue in the world. The Maitreya-nātha statue is located in the Jinping Mountain Scenic Area and is a famous Buddhist shrine. Additionally, Bailong Cave and Huquan Ecological Park both have their own special and unique characteristics. Huquan Ecological Park is expansive and is sometimes referred to as "a park that is half a city."
Clear 12-26℃
Popular Attractions
Dongfengyun Scenic Area (153)
Mt. Jinping Scenic Resort (41)
Taiping Lake Forest Chalet, Mile (33)
Huquan Banshan Hot Springs (30)
Yunnan Red Chateau (10)
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