2025 Bad Homburg vor der Hohe Travel Guide: Must-see attractions, popular food, hotels, transportation routes (updated in March)
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All Moments About Bad Homburg vor der Hohe
Steigenberger Hotel Bad Homburg
This hotel is located in a small city near Frankfurt. The rooms are quite large and comfortable. The hotel decoration is also very good. The bathroom space is quite large. Overall, I am very satisfied. There are many artworks in the hotel. The hotel breakfast is also very delicious. There are many kinds of bread and a variety of dairy products. The room also provides room service. It is a very good hotel. Address: Kaiser-Friedrich-Promenade 69-75, 61348 Bad Homburg vor der Höhe, Germany
Christmas Market, a German Tradition
Christmas Market was originated in Germany and a yearly event during Advent time.
In Bad Homburg, they have their Christmas Market around and at the courtyard of Castle Landgrafen. Food, beverages, decors and fan articles are available.
Bad Homburg is a 15-20 minutes train ride with S5 from Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof.
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Roman Fort in Bad Homburg
Saalburg 1, 61350
Bad Homburg von der Höhe
Saalburg is one of the most popular tourists destinations in Hessen, Germany. It is located on the Taunus mountain near Bad Homburg. It can be reached by private cars and also by public transportations. A 20 minute bus ride from Bad Homburg station to Saalburg station and voilà, you are already in front of this amazing roman fort!
There is a museum inside the fort that will help you imagine how the romans and the roman armies lived before.
Saalburg (Römerkastell Saalburg) has plenty to offer from history to delicacy. Inside the fort is a restaurant called Taberna that caters to your hunger after roaming around the big and spacious fort. The food are delicious and the prices are affordable.
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