Religious Tourist Destinastions In Java 🇮🇩
If you come to Borobudur Area, i recommend you to come to the nearest tourism spot in this area named “Gereja Ayam” or in english it called “Chicken Church”. This place is a Religic tourist destination that you can find in the area of Magelang in Central Java, Indonesia.
Why it called Gereja Ayam/Chicken Church? this is because this church has an unique shape, it similar like a Chicken. This church has 7 floors and it consists of Prayer room, cafe, the view point etc.
Most of people think that this is a church that only can enter by cristians, but the people that made this place ever said that Gereja Ayam is a place of worship for anyone who believe in God, and they can pray in their own way.
The entrance fee for this religic-destination is only IDR 25.000 per person, and it’s included a free traditional snack at their cafe!
Bukit Rhema Gereja Merpati Putih/Gereja Ayam
Karangrejo Gombong, Kurahan, Kembanglimus, Kec. Borobudur, Kabupaten Magelang, Jawa Tengah 56553
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