2025 Yangon Travel Guide: Must-see attractions, popular food, hotels, transportation routes (updated in March)

Although no longer the capital of Myanmar, Yangon remains Myanmar's largest and most commercially important city, with a population of 5 million. Since 2010, the city has undergone rapid development and real estate prices have skyrocketed, as both local and foreign investors scramble to take a foothold here. However, shantytowns still remain around the city. Downtown is a bustling core of market streets and motorbike traffic. Travelers will enjoy eating street food like mohinga, the national dish, and chatting with the supremely friendly local residents. The Shwedagon Pagoda is the top site in town, attracting both tourists and pilgrims from around the world. the best places to stay in town, look no further than The Strand and Traders Hotel Yangon.
󱦴오늘의 날씨
Clear 22-37℃
Popular Attractions
Shwedagon Pagoda (32)
Yangon Chinatown (3)
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