Hwarang Playground is a downtown playground located in Ansan, Gyeonggi-do. The playground with a total area of 632,107㎡ includes a gallery lake, a Gyeonggi-do camping gallery, an art gallery, and a reed wetland. In addition, there are various sports facilities such as roller skating field, football field, basketball court, gate court and so on. Reeds, water hyacinths, lotuses, etc. inhabit Hwarang Lake, and you can observe aquatic plants. Cherry blossoms are in full bloom in spring, making it a famous cherry blossom spot. Danwon Pavilion in Hwarang Lake holds a New Year's bell ringing event every year.
Hwarang Amusement Park地址:
667 Choji-dong, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do
Hwarang Amusement Park建議觀光時間:
2-3 hours
Hwarang Amusement Park電話:
+82 31-487-7780