2025 Taiyuan Travel Guide: Must-see attractions, popular food, hotels, transportation routes (updated in March)

Taiyuan is the provincial capital of Shanxi. It is a city with 2,500 years of recorded history. In the past, it was previously called Jinyang. As the provincial capital of Shanxi, Taiyuan is the transit and transfer point for many tourists who are traveling onwards to other parts of Shanxi. The Jinci Temple is a must-see when visiting Taiyuan, where a variety of thousand-year-old buildings and colorful clay statues still stand today. Once you've returned downtown, have a taste of the local noodles. They are delicious and made fresh by the locals. Noodles are forever the primary staple food for the residents of Taiyuan. Dalu Noodles, Sliced Noodles, Cat's Ear Noodles, there are many different types of noodles, more than you can even imagine, and all of them are delicious. Try adding some vinegar as the locals do.
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Popular Attractions
Jinci Museum (103)
Taiyuan Botanical Garden (35)
Shanxi Museum (34)
Jinci Scenic (12)
The Coal Museum of China (6)
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