2025 Linhai Travel Guide: Must-see attractions, popular food, hotels, transportation routes (updated in March)

Linhai is located in the central part of Zhejiang Province. The East China Sea borders it to the east and Taizhou City borders it to the south. The city is surrounded by mountains on three sides with the ocean as its fourth. Linhai is one of China's famous historical and cultural cities, filled with age-old monuments and scenic spots. Some of these include the Taizhoufu City Walls and the Ancient City of Taozhu. It is sometimes called “Little Zoulu” or the “Cultural State.” This is also the first county-level city in the country to have been awarded the title of "Livable Chinese City."
󱦴Today's Weather
Foggy 2-11℃
Popular Attractions
The Culture Tourism Area of The Ancient City of Taizhou (37)
Boonie Bears Bay Linhai (12)
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