Hong Kong Hiking Trails-Violet Hill🌺
The main route of Violet Hill is from Yang Ming Hill Mansion and descending along the ridge to Repulse Bay Au. In addition, there is a trail on the side of Wong Nai Chung Reservoir that leads to the summit; the Violet Trail in the middle of the mountain is connected to Repulse Bay Au by Wong Nai Chung Reservoir. Violet Hill is located in Tai Tam Country Park, very close to Tai Tam Reservoir!
Highly accessible trails with numerous retreat points. Enjoy the stunning views along the way. I would say this is one of the best short hikes on Hong Kong Island.
Tai Tam Reservoir Road > Wong Nai Yung Reservoir Park > Tsz Lok Lan Mountain Trail > Tai Tam Countryside Trail > Violet Hill > Wilson Trail Section 1 > Reservoir Bay Road
Transportation: Take the bus. 6, 41A, 63, 66 or 76, get off at Wong Nai Chung Reservoir Park/take the bus back on Reservoir Road
* Duration 2.5 hours
*Length 9 km
*No supply points
*The right branch trail at the top of Mount Violet can lead down to Wong Nai Chung Reservoir
Tai Tam Reservoir Road> Wong Nai Chung Reservoir Park> Tsz Lo Lan Hill Trail> Tai Tam Country Trail> Violet Hill> Wilson Path Section 1> Repulse Bay Road
Transportation: Take the bus. 6, 41A, 63, 66 or 76, get off at Wong Nai Chung Reservoir Park / take the bus back at Repulse Bay Road
*Takes 2.5 hours
*Length 9 km
*No resupply points
*The right side trail at the top of Violet Hill can go down to Wong Nai Chung Reservoir
バイオレットマウンテンの主なルートは, Yangming Shipping から尾根を下りてレパルスベイコルまでです. さらに, Yellow Mud Spring Barn Pool's Horizontal につながるトレイルもあります on the top of the mountain. Mountain belly のバイオレットマウンテントレイルは, Huangniyong Reservoir Pool によってShadow Bay Garden に接続されています. バイオレットヒルはタイタムカントリーパークにあり, タイタムBarn Pool's near くにあります.
多くのリトリートポイントがあるアクセスしやすいトレイル. On the way, the scenery is をお楽しみください. これは the highest no short いハイキングの1つだと思います in Hong Kong Island.
Tai Tam Reservoir Road> Wong Nai Chung Reservoir Park> Tsz Lo Lan Hill Trail> Tai Tam Country Trail> Violet Hill> Wilson Path Section 1> Repulse Bay Road
Transportation: バスに乗ります. 6, 41A, 63, 66 または76, ウォンナイチョン Barn Pool Park でGet off/レパルスベイロードでバスに戻る
* 2.5 时间かかります
*Length さ9km
*Supply ポイントはありません
*バイオレットヒルの顶上にある右のトレイルは, ウォンナイチョン barn pool まで下がることができます
#hiking #countryside