2025 Qionghai Travel Guide: Must-see attractions, popular food, hotels, transportation routes (updated in March)

Qionghai is located in the eastern part of Hainan Province. Baishi Ridge has a staircase with 1,308 stone steps that visitors can climb to reach the peak and behold the magnificent "Baishiling Eight Landscapes." The local cultural atmosphere is also very strong. The park memorializing the legendary Red Detachment of Women is a provincial-level, key revolutionary memorial, which recreates the glory of the Women's Army. Qionghai is an area on the east coast of Hainan Province that features a highly developed economy, a robust cultural landscape and a mature water and land transportation network.
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Cloudy 22-31℃
Popular Attractions
Baishiling Tourism Scenic Area (16)
China (Hainan) Museum of the South China Sea (12)
Bfa Permanent Venue Scene Area (6)
Window of World Tropical Fruits (3)
Holiday Inn Resort (1)
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