2025 Xiangtan Travel Guide: Must-see attractions, popular food, hotels, transportation routes (updated in March)

Xiangtan City is located in the eastern part of Central Hunan Province. It is sometimes called “Lotus City” because it has lots of Xiang Lotuses. The territory of Xiangtan is also the birthplace of many famous Hunanese military figures such as Zeng Guofan from the waning years of the Qing Dynasty, Mao Zedong (the founding leader of the Chinese Communist Party) and Peng Dehuai (the military general). Xiangtan is an ancient city with a long and storied history and many famous historical sites. "Guansheng Temple" is a famous temple from the Qing Dynasty. The white marble dragon column in front of the temple's Spring and Autumn Pavilion is nothing short of exquisite. Additionally, Xiangtan has a great deal of beautiful natural scenery such as the Shaoshan and Dongtai Mountains.
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Shaoshan (22)
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