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- 4.6/5Changjiang125.9 km from Danzhou by carHighlights:水乐园大型滑道惊险刺激特别好玩适合亲子游 (665 mentions)Saved by 28741 users
- 4.7/5Qionghai.Guantang/Baishiling Tourism Area126.8 km from Danzhou by carHighlights:就像置身于森林公园,房间很大亲子天然温泉 (638 mentions)Saved by 17354 users
- 4.6/5Haikou.West Coast130.3 km from Danzhou by carHighlights:Children's pool featuring a water bridge2000㎡ garden lawn with landmark tree儿童游乐设施体验佳 (571 mentions)Saved by 34092 users
- 4.7/5Haikou.West Coast130.4 km from Danzhou by carHighlights:Bubble show by the poolside dailyA fun and exciting outdoor children's pool儿童游乐设施体验佳 (259 mentions)Saved by 33112 users
- 4.6/5Haikou.West Coast132.2 km from Danzhou by carHighlights:Newly upgraded family-friendly water park adventuresNewly upgraded parent-child water park温馨亲子房 (555 mentions)Saved by 36186 users
- 4.7/5Haikou.Wanlv Park/Friendship Sunshine City136.1 km from Danzhou by carHighlights:180-degree sea view dining experience249-meter-tall iconic Haikou landmark亲子早餐 (181 mentions)Saved by 35451 users
- 4.8/5Haikou.Perimeter of Haikou Airport/Mission Hill/East Coast136.8 km from Danzhou by carHighlights:Indoor and outdoor playgrounds for kidsAn enchanting view of the pool at night儿童游乐设施体验佳 (98 mentions)Saved by 18683 users
- 4.7/5Haikou.Perimeter of Haikou Airport/Mission Hill/East Coast139.8 km from Danzhou by carHighlights:Outdoor water park and large poolPure volcanic mineral springs from 800 meters underground亲子温泉体验 (419 mentions)Saved by 29833 users
- 4.6/5Haikou.Perimeter of Haikou Airport/Mission Hill/East Coast151.9 km from Danzhou by carHighlights:Large indoor playground with dedicated servicesChildren's pool and well-equipped playroom儿童游乐设施体验佳 (569 mentions)Saved by 43586 users
- 4.7/5Haikou.Haidian Island152.8 km from Danzhou by carHighlights:Unique family adventure in an undersea roomOutdoor children's pool with multiple activities儿童游乐设施体验佳 (278 mentions)Saved by 23143 users
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