The steps for worshipping “Lord Ganesha”
Hello everyone, I came to #VisitChiangMai and had the opportunity to pay homage to Lord Ganesha at #WatPaDaed, so I'll share the steps for you.
Steps for paying homage to "Lord Ganesha, the God of Success" Step 1: Invite you to pay homage to the principal Buddha image, Luang Pho Ta Wan, on the right-hand side of the Vihara Luang Lai Kham to ask for a blessing. Step 2: Light incense - In the lamp of the Lord of Life, in front of the Hom Maha Thep Burapachan - Chant the prayer to ask for a blessing from Lord Ganesha 1-3 times. Step 3: When finished, place the sacrificial offerings (set of items for asking for a blessing) on the ceremonial platform in front of the Hom Maha Thep below ~ Set of items for asking for a blessing 50 baht. Step 4: Ring the bell 9 times (loudly). Step 5: Go up and whisper in the ear of a mouse (Mushika). Cover the inner ear of the mouse with your hand and whisper in the ear of one of the outer mice. Step 6: Take the holy water and pour it on the Shiva Linga. Then use your palm to receive the holy water and rub your head. Step 7: Come down and crawl under the belly of the Ganesha statue, under the fragrant garland of the gods 3 times. Follow the arrows - on the left hand side* there will be a sign above saying to crawl without tilting, but Sin's friend was already tilted when he walked around the first time (didn't have time to read it) Step 8: Go up and hug the golden teak pillar beside the principal Buddha image, embrace the main pillar - embrace the secondary pillar, ring the bell 3 times Step 9: Come down (offerings pavilion) ask for luck, ask for fortune, gild the lucky turtle - fortune (lord of millions, lord of a hundred thousand) ~ 20 baht gold sheet, real gold, there are 2 sheets, you have to choose which one to cover. 1. Cover the shell - body, there will be luck, fortune, power, prestige, glory, good health, long life (the elderly, general public) 2. Cover the head, there will be wisdom, intelligence, solve various problems in daily life (teachers, lecturers, students, learners) 3. Cover the mouth Will be abundant with wealth, have food, have money, have rice, have goods, have money, have gold (business owners, store employees, online sellers, merchants) 4. Close at the feet, will have progress, advancement, career position, finance, business contacts (working as a civil servant, soldier, police)
📍Wat Pa Daed 👉🏻Open 08.30 - Close 17.00 (Closed every Wednesday)
#Chiang Mai Temple #Wat Pa Daed Chiang Mai #Chiang Mai