Honest coconut pancakes, delicious and not fussy, a great thing from Ang Thong
Follow the netizens' praise, I believe that this is a good and delicious thing from Ang Thong #ReallyHonestKhanomKrok
It's a perfect combination, the outer skin is crispy like modern Khanom Krok that is a sheet, crispy enough, not so crispy that it breaks and falls apart. The outer skin is not oily either.
But the inside, both the taste and the texture, is like traditional Khanom Krok with coconut flour inside, smooth, soft, springy and oozing, fragrant with coconut milk, fragrant like no other, creamy, creamy, just the right amount of sweetness.
👏🏻 In conclusion, it's a #KhanomKrok that is really delicious, oh my god 👏🏻
You should call to make a reservation. The map says the shop opens at 2:30 PM. We called at 2:30 PM, only corn and spring onion were left. Taro and pumpkin were already reserved. Huhu😭 The vendor said that customers called to make reservations since 2 PM.
💕 For deliciousness, the vendor will make it slowly, watch the lights, and add the ingredients according to their steps. Crispy on the outside, soft on the inside, delicious, so it takes time. You should allow time to order.
** #Grandpa and Grandma's Khanom Krok **
📍The cart is parked on the footpath at the three-way intersection of Ayutthaya-Ang Thong Road, Ban It Subdistrict, Ang Thong, near Bang Pakong Rice Porridge
📲 084 2081586
📆 Open daily from 2:30 PM to 6:00 PM (may sell out before the time, so call to ask first)
🤑 25 baht per order
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